Examples of some of our juices:
-Big Apple-
Apple, Celery, Parsley, Carrot
This juice is packed with vitamin C and antioxidants. The celery includes anti-inflammatory support, some cardiovascular benefits, and silicon, which is important for bones and connective tissue. Parsley is rich in folic acid, which is critical for proper cell division and therefore cancer prevention. Our carrots and Apples are Michigan grown and are high in Vitamin A and K.
-The Liberator-
Beet, Apple, Carrot, Lemon
Vibrant rich red beet juice is a powerful cleanser of the blood, and highly nutritious. It is full of folate, manganese, potassium, iron and Vitamin C. The added lemon is beneficial for the health of the gallbladder, liver, and overall digestion. The carrot and apple adds antioxidants.
-A.P.S.D. (Aches, Pains, and Sinus Drains)-
Pineapple, Celery, Cayenne
This is a personal favorite! The bromelain in the pineapple is helpful for reducing the risk of macular degeneration, and easing joint pain. The cayenne will increase metabolism and definitely drain your sinus depending upon your ability to handle the heat. Cayenne also has a high concentration of capsaicin which has been studied for its pain-reducing effects.
-Energy Packed-
Apple, Celery, Cucumber, Lemon, Ginger
Phytonutrients called cucurbitacins (A, B, C, D and E) are all contained in fresh cucumber. This helps with cellular damage and therefore has anti-cancer benefits. The ginger reduces pain for arthritis-rela
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