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Concert, wedding, and special event venue.
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8718 Cooley Lake Road, White Lake MI, 48386At Jon Smith Subs, we only use the absolute highest quality meats, sliced daily, double wrapped, and expertly handled. We cut the finest, farm fresh vegetables...
Restaurant $$
16031 15 Mile Road, Clinton Township MI, 48035At Jon Smith Subs, we only use the absolute highest quality meats, sliced daily, double wrapped, and expertly handled. We cut the finest, farm fresh vegetables...
Restaurant $$
12433 23 Mile Rd, Shelby Township MI, 48315The enticing, unforgettable flavors of the Mediterranean are calling.
Go ahead and take a journey into the delicious at The Great Greek – no passport...
Get to know Masonic Temple Detroit
For more information about concerts, weddings, room rentals, VIP/Corporate events or luncheons, or any other events please visit our web-site at www.themasonic.com or call us at (313)-832-7100.
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