Clawson Skatepark
Recreation $$
935 North Custer Avenue, Troy, MI 48083
SKATEBOARD AND IN-LINE SKATES ONLY. BMX, BICYCLES, SCOOTERS AND MOTORIZED VEHICLES STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Park open daily 7am -11pm (in season, roughly April to November, closed in the winter)Get to know Clawson Skatepark
-No Supervision provided, skate at your own risk, injury may occur.
-Helmets and protective gear are recommended.
-No personal ramps, rails or other props allowed.
-Smoking, profanity and loud music are prohibited.
-No gum, food or drinks allowed on the skate park surface.
-Spectators not permitted inside the skating area.
-Skaters trash their boards, not their park. Use trash cans provided.
-For organized events, please contact 248-589-03